Thursday, September 18, 2014

Old People... SMH

Stop staring at your phones for a moment.Take a bit and watch an older person, or group of old people.

You will find they are the originators of SMH, or shakes my head. They are all shaking their heads. Watch them long enough and you will realize what they are shaking their heads at. It is our elders. They are all shaking their heads at you, me, our really stupid children doing really disrespectful, extremely stupid things.

Ever heard anyone start a sentence with, "In my day..."? The problem is, few of us know how they finished that sentence because our phone made a noise, we watched a child do something disrespectful and responded with, "how cute, she's so independent". It is unfortunate, but for me I have to say, "In my day, people are horribly disrespectful, rude, haven't a clue what our elders are for, a phone noise takes president over another person's presence, manners are lost, and the Bible is behind it all. Not behind it in the sense of producing, but after all else in order, not before any & everything". That is a horrible sentence. So people below 50 don't say, "In my day..." anymore for that reason. It is simply a horrible thing to finish modern day.

My pastor taught me the fact (not theory) of the three chairs. You see, we should forever exist within the confines of three chairs, sitting side by side. When we are young, we are to be in the far left chair. As we mature, we should be in pursuit if the middle chair, by learning from the person in that chair. Once in the middle chair, we should continue to have a wise elder in the chair to the far right. We should then pursue all the knowledge of that elder so to move into that chair. At this point we are also in pursuit to the chair far left with our own teachings from experience as well as what we've been TAUGHT from our mentors to the newest member of the chair to your now left. Mentoring and having a mentor are so important to any level of success in our spiritual maturity, business, home, health, marriage, friendships, being a good neighbor, coaching, and being coachable. Mentors are not complainers and are not people who will complain with you. Mentors will walk you through problems to help you find the solution. They are not know-it-all's, they are simply more experienced and MOST IMPORTANTLY, have learned from those experiences.

Take a look around. It won't take long to find someone struggling to mentor and someone wiser to be your mentor. Then we can slow, and even one day eliminate SMH. The challenge is not to talk about "The Greatest Generation" because of all they did & built for this country, but to become the greatest generation. What if "kids these days" took on a greater, more positive meaning? What a great nation we would truly be, instead of a once great nation.

From Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.

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