Attitude isn’t everything, but there is absolutely nothing worth having, telling, or hearing about with bad attitude.
Attitude is 70% of everything we do, have, & share.
An owner with a positive attitude & attitude of gratitude leads a group of people who will have the same attitude. Being grateful you own a business will result in employees who are grateful to have a job.
The owner with bad attitude will develop a team of people with equally bad attitudes. Bad attitude employees will get in & stay in the bad attitude barrel. It is where they are most comfortable; rolling around in their own #%^.
Ducks fly with ducks & geese with geese. Happy, positive attitudes of gratitude will naturally isolate & weed out bad employees much faster. It is easy to spot the lone wolf over in the corner looking for anyone to listen to their complaints of the day. People with positive attitudes don’t want to be around, and won’t hang around those with the bad attitude. On the flip side of that, bad attitudes are very uncomfortable as soon as they realize no one is listening.
Happy owners develop happier, more relaxed, but still professional managers. These managers will develop a more successful team of sales people who gel together. It removes the envy
and gossip in the work place. It generates of team willing to help one another for the greater good of the business. People are staring across the show floor thinking negative thoughts
about the top salesman, “Man he’s lucky. Every sale just falls in his/her lap.” Instead, the top salesman is grateful for his/ her position and willing to coach anyone who will ask for the help. Equally beneficial, is the new hand on deck, or sales person in a slump who WALKS across the showroom floor to break down the last missed sale. They are happy and open to coaching to stay up with the team. Positive attitudes don’t want to get left behind. They will find a way. It is an ongoing shaping of the mind. These people become winners by way of the atmosphere around them & the desire to get things done.
As an owner, or manager, we need to identify the bad attitudes quickly. These can infect a team with this business cancer over time. It is important to approach the bad attitude head on & immediately upon discovery. It can be over a bad day, personal matters, or it may just be the true life style shining through after the new job honeymoon is over. Simply ask the question, “I noticed your attitude is different today. Can you share with me what is going on?” This is to
be done one on one & behind closed doors. Remind the bad attitude of the business attitude overall; team. Give them a fair & clear picture of what it takes to stay on the team... first is a positive attitude. Be willing to help anyone who is open to coaching & improvement. When the conversation goes more negative & argumentative, it is time for that employee to think about other options. It is time for management to make them clearly aware of the other employment options. Get rid of the bad attitude life-style employees as quickly as possible.
Employees with positive attitudes will be able to give you great employee referrals. Remember, ducks with ducks & geese with geese. They know other people with the right attitude who will be a good fit for the team. They will not recommend the wrong person to work with team day in & day out. People with the right attitude take pride in what they put their name on. They will not make the wrong employee referral.
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