Sunday, December 14, 2014

Infographic: Heaves

So much money is spent on horse health, wellness products, grooming, and feeds. Now add the multiplier of your equine being a performance horse, even one your career and income depend upon. What are you doing about their everyday living and traveling air conditions? Respiratory issues come from mites, mold, ammonia levels, dust, pollen, and bacteria in most cases. IAQM, LLC can address this for you and your equine. #IAQM #respiratoryissues #performancehorses #ropinghorses #barrelracerproblems #NCHA #AQHA #reininghorses #racinghorses

Infographic: Heaves

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

COPD and horses article by Les Sellnow - "Respiratory Allergies"

I recommend this read to anyone who owns a horse, or contemplating owning one (not for fear, but education and understanding). The author does a wonderful job presenting the issue, the potential causes, dumbs it down for everyone, and presents treatment as well.

#mold #equine #horsehealth #IAQMFamily #airquality #respiratoryissues #COPD #AQHA #NCHA #APHA #AHA #AHA #LesSellnow #askyourveterinarian

Thursday, October 2, 2014


My Daddy said to me from the time I was young, "Boy, a loose gate is the sign of a farmer who is either lazy or thinks he's busy." Notice I did not say, my daddy taught me when I was young. See, I didn't learn what he meant until I was older and had my own place. He simply put the knowledge in front of me.

This morning, I went out to work Freezer in the round pen. I put him up last night along with Ezra so I wouldn't have to call them up this morning. I had done what was I needed last night in preparation for this morning's work.... so I thought.
This morning at daylight I get my coffee and head to the porch. I look out to see Freezer & Ezra both looking through the fence at me, not from the round pen. Hmm. Talking to myself, "I know I put both those horses in the round pen last night. I know I did," because that is what we farmers do. Curious, but knowing I will be frustrated, I go ahead and get frustrated. Ever done that? That is another blog, not today's rabbit trail. Sure enough, the horse took the gate off the round pen and laid it over. It was most likely Ezra. She is mischievous, rotten, and into just about everything she can find her way into, or in this case out of. Freezer is older and much more content with whatever his surroundings.
I guess I've been busy. We all know there is no such thing as a lazy farmer or rancher. It isn't possible.
I go to the barn for the tools I know I'll need; ratchet, and wrench.I fixed the gate and tightened the L bolts. I went around to check all the other gates, tightening each as I went. Every gate had loose bolts and hinges.
So now back to the beginning and what my Daddy said originally, about busy. You only think you are busy until all of your livestock is out and on the road. Remember, I said "all your livestock", so the horse you need to get them all back quick, efficiently, and as one heard or flock is out there too. No way you are getting him, that horse you need first, not in this moment. He's got cool weather, the wind at his back, and he's free. No, you aren't catching him first to do all this work for you. Then you know what busy truly is; when your priority is dominantly clear.
Fortunately for me, this morning's busy didn't mean everything was out and in the road. It only meant two were out of the round pen and in the open pasture.
A gate is the first thing everyone sees at a farm or ranch. It is the entrance. Gates are throughout a place over time as a farmer or rancher builds out his place according to his need. So many lessons simply within a gate. Everyone can see how you live by your gate. Is it loose and ignored, like say, the Gospel? Or is it tight, level, and reflects the attention it receives. Are you living loose so your outward gate reflects it? God can see behind the gate. Your neighbors have insight from your outward gate. In Luke 8:17 it states, "For nothing is hidden that will not be manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be made known and come to light". Another question, is your whole life about to be out there, in the road, out of your reach because of loose gates?

Fences are the same way. Loose, broken down fences mean the same thing. It doesn't take long to maintain a fence here and there, a little at a time as you see what needs attention. The time consuming work is when "I need to remember to fix that later" or "It's ok for now" takes over our thoughts. Colossians 3:23 says What so ever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, not unto men.
Keep your outward fence tight as well. It all ties together. Handle the details ahead so you are always prepared. This keeps the jobs in life small. In life, your outward fence needs maintained daily as well. Take and make time for your daily devotional to keep your fence and gates tight. It is a big job to have to confess, apologize, ask for forgiveness, then pray forgiveness is granted because we didn't take the time maintain our own fences and gates; because we let our gate fall down and the devil was able to walk right through.
Equally important is the time spent with your mentor. Psalm 139:23 Search me O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. We can't always see what needs fixing in our lives. We can however ask God to search our hearts and minds. We can and should do the same when we spend time with our mentors.

#Bible #DailyDevotional #Luke817 #Colossians323 #Psalm139:23 #SharetheGospel #RightToolsfortheJob
** Freezer is my roping, cow, parade ride, whatever I need Quarter Horse. Thank you McCoy Ranch in Tupelo, Oklahoma. #McCoyRanch #CordMcCoy Ezra is my youngest daughter's trick and stunt Mustang from the Mustang Foundation.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How To Solve All The World Problems

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. (1 Timothy 2:1, 2 NIV)

Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. (1 Peter 2:1 NIV)

Not really much else to add to that.

I will however make a couple of things very clear from these passages. The individual called to do these things? It is YOU. It is me, "Rid YOURSELVES..." Paul is calling on YOU to make these petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving.

Everything, anything that requires movement starts within first. Improvement never comes from others for us. Improvement is a decision we make from within for ourselves and others. When I improve, my family improves. That may be they follow my lead spiritually. It may mean our finances improve, our giving improves, our kindness and thoughts of others first improves. Whatever improvement is required, comes from my lead, from me making the improvement within first before ever hoping or expecting anyone around me to improve.

I have noticed my circle of friends has improved coinciding my spiritual improvement, aka spiritual maturity. This takes many meanings. One meaning is some people are no longer in my circle. Some people have been added to my circle because they are a better fit spiritually, bring an accountability I lacked. My improved circle brings encouragement, joy, and teachings. They come as mentors, or seeking to be mentored. It equally, but more importantly means my existing circle has improved in their spiritual maturity from my example, from my joy through a storm, my smile, compliment, or encouragement to them. Maybe I said Grace over dinner. They were thinking about it, but unsure of how to stop everything to give thanks. My truth, I have many, too many times thought about Grace at a meal with friends and let the meal go on without it because I was too insecure.

Insecure equals Faith Immature. You see, when you are still insecure about how or when to address Faith in any moment, you are still immature in your Faith. Study the Word and grow yourself in your Faith. Pursue a mentor and start the change within. Take the lead to pursue your Faith maturity. That will create and construct the change you desire in others. There is an age old expression, "Be the change you desire to see."

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22, 23 NIV)

Keep it simple. Pray for those in authority (no matter their party lines!), rid yourself..., and be the outward expression of the fruits of the Spirit within you. Don't over-complicate it. Don't add to it, or take away from it. There is no need to jazz or spice up perfection.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Old People... SMH

Stop staring at your phones for a moment.Take a bit and watch an older person, or group of old people.

You will find they are the originators of SMH, or shakes my head. They are all shaking their heads. Watch them long enough and you will realize what they are shaking their heads at. It is our elders. They are all shaking their heads at you, me, our really stupid children doing really disrespectful, extremely stupid things.

Ever heard anyone start a sentence with, "In my day..."? The problem is, few of us know how they finished that sentence because our phone made a noise, we watched a child do something disrespectful and responded with, "how cute, she's so independent". It is unfortunate, but for me I have to say, "In my day, people are horribly disrespectful, rude, haven't a clue what our elders are for, a phone noise takes president over another person's presence, manners are lost, and the Bible is behind it all. Not behind it in the sense of producing, but after all else in order, not before any & everything". That is a horrible sentence. So people below 50 don't say, "In my day..." anymore for that reason. It is simply a horrible thing to finish modern day.

My pastor taught me the fact (not theory) of the three chairs. You see, we should forever exist within the confines of three chairs, sitting side by side. When we are young, we are to be in the far left chair. As we mature, we should be in pursuit if the middle chair, by learning from the person in that chair. Once in the middle chair, we should continue to have a wise elder in the chair to the far right. We should then pursue all the knowledge of that elder so to move into that chair. At this point we are also in pursuit to the chair far left with our own teachings from experience as well as what we've been TAUGHT from our mentors to the newest member of the chair to your now left. Mentoring and having a mentor are so important to any level of success in our spiritual maturity, business, home, health, marriage, friendships, being a good neighbor, coaching, and being coachable. Mentors are not complainers and are not people who will complain with you. Mentors will walk you through problems to help you find the solution. They are not know-it-all's, they are simply more experienced and MOST IMPORTANTLY, have learned from those experiences.

Take a look around. It won't take long to find someone struggling to mentor and someone wiser to be your mentor. Then we can slow, and even one day eliminate SMH. The challenge is not to talk about "The Greatest Generation" because of all they did & built for this country, but to become the greatest generation. What if "kids these days" took on a greater, more positive meaning? What a great nation we would truly be, instead of a once great nation.

From Proverbs 19:20 Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Poverty (per Wikipedia) is general scarcity or dearth, or the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money.[1] Absolute poverty or destitution refers to the deprivation of basic human needs, which commonly includes food, water, sanitation, clothing, shelter, health care and education. Relative poverty is defined contextually as economic inequality in the location or society in which people live.

Poverty - we hear so many stories about poverty; what it is, allegedly what it does, what it looks like. So you grew up in poverty. Mom, Dad, or both were worthless, addicts, drunks, teen parents without motivation, or split early.

What did poverty do to you? Did it drive you and create a leader out of you, or a life a endless blame? Are you living the life you want because you are driven by poverty, or are you looking at another's life you wish for? The key word in this isn't poverty, it is the word Y O U.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

A New Direction

So this blog will be taking a turn, creating change. I have recently left the automotive industry after close to eight years of dedicated service. That is not a bad thing. Going forward, I will be sharing my life as challenges, calling, spirituality, family, Faith, owning a business, and so much more as my newest chapters in life take shape.

Life is God breathed. In Jeremiah 29:11, scripture states, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper, plans to not harm you, and plans to give you hope and a future."

I will be sharing these plans as they are revealed in my life as we move forward in this blog.

Be prepared for dark stories of the past. Be sure to read past them so to see how the Light is shed over each trial and made a part of my testimony today; not a past which has any ownership over, or ability to define me today.

Automated to me has taken on a new meaning. This is why I am not starting a new blog, or editing the name. Automated can mean stagnant, going through the motions, or a better understanding of why each of us are exactly where we stand in life at every moment. Everyone chooses where they stand in every moment by preparation, desire, apathy, drive, character, prayer, agnostic living, planning, or allowing others to plan for them. Either way, it is a choice where we are, what we are doing, what we have, or don't have.